| Dalian: 1:39 (am) | Bergen: 19:39 (pm) | NYC: 13:39 (pm) | Chicago: 12:39 (pm) | San Francisco: 10:39 (am) | Fairbanks: 9:39 (am) 1239853

Cecilia is here

Nov 22, 2006 There has been a long silence here. Too long. But the reason is obvious: Cecilia, a.k.a. Cutezilla Poopalot of Willnotsleepshire, is now the supreme ruler of all spare time, princess of hanssolo.org and the surrounding domains. Here are some more pictures of Cecilia (we have many more, believe me). She was born on May 30th, it only seem like yesterday. We are having so much fun that updating silly web-pages seem like a total bore. We will try to do better.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Spring is here

May 4, 2006 Spring is finally here, the winter has been too long although time has been flying with everything going on. Today was nice and we had dinner outside. Solocam recorded the whole day in one minute increments. Here you can download a small movie of us (me) BBQing.
The baby was waiting until the last minute, but has now found the right exit position. I guess you can't enter the world butt first. There is less than a month to go, all is well so far. Expect more bellon pictures soon.


March 26, 2006 Ballooning bellies, or belloons, are quite scary in a comforting way.., or something like that. This one will actually kick you in the ear if you try to listen to what it is up to. The other day it had hick-ups too (she/he, not the mom). You may also have noticed that solocam is back. The door-bell is not working though. The camera is usually pointed out the window so that you can see the neighbor's Humvee.

Hotel Syren! (Lilac)

Jan 20, 2006 We have a place! A very nice place in a peaceful area, not far from The University of Oslo (although not as close to the U as we were in Hoboken...). We have a nice garden too! Here is an aerial photo of the place. We plan to put up more pictures soon.
We are still working on getting settled in. The biggest missing part (as you may have noticed) is the internet connection.. :-/ We hope to be back on-line soon, in the mean-time obiwan is still holding down the fort in Stavanger. In a few weeks we can accommodate four- and five-star guests!

Still Moving

Dec 21, 2005 Hello from Norway! The web-pages were gone for a few days, but the e-mail has been up most of the time. That's pretty good considering lost airplanes and broken yoda's. We apologize for the lack of xmas-cards this year, we figure'ed we won't be getting any without an address anyway ;-)
We're still looking for an apartment in Oslo. Finn.no is a great site for that, but it is a pain to actually set up meetings with real people to see the places first person. Meanwhile we're in good hands at mom's, herring anyone? Happy solstice!


Nov 30, 2005 Okay, expect outages as we move all our stuff to Norway. That's right, we're moving! After 10 years in the US we're trying something old/new. Please bear with us if you use the web mail interface.. it will be fixed in short order. .. Right now this site and all the services are run off "obiwan", our MiniITX system that will fit in the suitcase, right next to the toothbrush.
We don't recommend moving, it is stressful. Sadly, there wasn't even time for AGU this year! More updates when time permits.

Life is Short, Alaska is Forever

June 26, 2005 A great place, great people, a great wedding, some great parties, and a great trip! Check out the pictures. Alaska isn't just the largest state, it is also a state of mind, a place in the heart. (Thanks to Vladimir for most of the pictures.)

Full Circle

May 22, 2005 The Star Wars movies have followed us since our childhoods, now the story is completed. An end of an era it is, yes. Holy mackerel Batman, are we getting old?

The Perfect Cup of Tea

May 8, 2005 Okay, time to break the silence. Sorry for the long absence, but life is strange, pendulums swings, and love is for ever. There is such a thing as the perfect cup of tea (.. or glass of wine, .. or chilled beer, or freshly cooked shrimp, or perfect Sunday afternoons, .. or ..) The message? Don't forget the small things, the good friends, the good time, and most importantly: don't panic! Oh, and if you wonder what I think about the movie?: mostly harmless.

Christo in The Park

Feb 22, 2005 Wow, Christo really put some orange vitamin C into the winter gray Central Park. On top of it all good friends come visiting. Check it out in the picture gallery.

San Francisco 2004

Dec 20, 2004 San Francisco rules! (almost as much as NYC) So much that I completely forgot to take pictures. There are just a few pictures in the picture gallery, and they are not so good (except the ones with Harry in them of course). This was my eight trip (if I counted correctly), hope to go next year too.

hanssolo.org outages - no more!

October 31, 2004 Eventually I found our DSL POTS splitter in the rubbish downstairs. After re-routing the telephone cable directly to our kitchen window, we can now sit and look at the nice gray box while eating breakfast. Super! Best of all, we should be safe from more phone-wire cutting, at least for now. Voice calls are accepted again and the data-packets are flying. Our only big concern now is the squirrels, they have that "who, me?"-look in their beady eyes whenever they go past the DSL box...

hanssolo.org outages

October 21, 2004 Our landlord is renovating the house. One of the things being renovated is the electrical system. Needless to say poor chewbaka (or is it Hans?) is very upset about all the power outages. We are trying to deal with this as best we can. If you get your e-mail from here, all we can say is keep on trying. No e-mails should get lost. The electrical work should be over within a day or two, in the meantime there could be intermittent outages. UPDATE: Aargh! The electrician decided to rip out all old wiring, including our phone line! He didn't even ask first - what's up with that! I found our cut phone wire dangling in the back-yard and managed to splice it back together (pic). The POTS splitter was gone so no voice for now, data first of course.

hanssolo.org endorses Capt. Morgan for president

October 1, 2004 Enough already! What better president than the Captain? Save your campaign contributions for dark rum.

Summer of Love

September 12, 2004 It has been the greatest summer ever! Too bad it is over. For those who has been waiting and waiting for the pictures to appear on this site: here they are! Sorry, no accompanying stories yet, we'll let the pictures speak for themselves.
There are pictures from our amazing trip to Alaska in June, pictures from our fabulous stay in Norway, and our magnificent time in China. Enjoy! (More "family style" pictures here in case you didn't know.)

Getting Married is Fun!

April 6, 2004 We are very happy to let everyone know that as of today, April 6 2004, Hao and Hans are happily married! It happened sooner than originally planned due to the city of Hoboken's marriage schedule - marriages are performed only on the first Tuesday of the month. This created an interesting problem with regards to the wedding bands, but so what?! The rings are now in place, we are happy, and that's all that matters. Thanks to all the folks who congratulated us! Sorry, we are too busy to make a guest-book here on this web-site.. maybe soon ;-)

We hope to bring the wedding party to a place near you in this spring/summer. The "Hao and Hans Wedding Party World Tour" kicks off locally May 15th and will finish mid-August in China.

Those of you that really want to look at pictures from the wedding can get your dose here.

Son of a Beach

March 1, 2004 Never go to the beach alone, you will get sun-burned on the part of your back that can't be reached. ...anyone got a spare ticket to Ibiza?

Aaah, Zhe Blinkenlights

January 25, 2004 Poor Chewie, he got new fan controllers and lights and now he looks like an alien xmas tree! ...pretty cool in the dark though me thinks. Hao thinks not. Anyways, the really nice thing is that the fans can be controlled. Together with the new SATA drives and fan-less video card, this makes chewie sound muffled even when he barks!

Old news trunkated.

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